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Performance Management

A Municipality’s Performance Management System (PMS) is the primary mechanism to monitor, review, and improve the implementation of its IDP and to gauge the progress made in achieving the objectives set out in the IDP.


In addition, a Municipality’s PMS must also facilitate increased accountability, learning, improvement, provide early warning signals and facilitate decision-making. The performance management system monitors actual performance against set targets and contractual obligations. Effective service delivery relies upon the IDP, efficient utilisation of all resources and the performance management system being closely integrated across all functions at an organisational and individual level.


Business Engineering has developed an integrated Performance Management System to enable Municipality’s to continuously monitor and track performance against what was planned, by collecting and analysing data on the indicators established for monitoring and evaluation purposes.

It provides continuous information on whether progress is being made toward achieving results (outputs, outcomes, and goals) through record keeping and regular reporting systems.


The Collaborator Foundation Performance Management Solution allows the user to:

  • Register the Performance Criteria (Strategic Objectives, Key Performance Indicators etc)

  • Allocate specific tasks for the gathering of data and submission of reports on the Performance Criteria

  • Uploading of Portfolio of Evidence (KPI) for each Performance Area

  • Provide for reporting to the municipal Council at least quarterly;

  • Enables the Municipality to detect early indications of under-performance;

  • Provide for corrective measures where under- performance has been identified; and

  • Compare current performance with performance during the previous financial year and baseline indicators.

  • Reporting on Organisational, Departmental, Individual and Project Performance Indicators

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