Technical Asset Register and Transactions
Asset Register
The asset register contains all the technical information about an asset.
Assets Disposal
All assets that are being disposed of via auction or otherwise are managed. The process starts when the municipality decide to dispose of an asset to the point where the asset is removed from the asset register.
Asset Donation
When a developer donates assets to the client, the assets must go into the asset register. The process starts when the developer formally donates the assets to the client and ends when the asset is registered in the asset register.
Asset Survey
In some instances, assets that are not in the asset register needs to be identified and placed in the asset register. The process starts by field workers recording the assets that they field in the field. The process end when the surveyed assets are in the asset register.
Asset Transfer
The assets in the asset register are allocated to a directorate /department / section / official that is responsible for the assets. In some instances, the responsibility for the asset is transferred to someone else. This process deals with the transfer.
Unbundle Assets
Once a capital projects has been completed the deliverable of the project may consist of multiple assets. To identify the assets individually and place them in the asset register, the unbundle process must start.
Asset Warranties & Guarantees
When new Assets are purchased through the Supply Chain Process, the related records applicable to Warranties and Guarantees are uploaded onto Collaborator as supporting documentation related to the Asset. In case of breakage or returns these Records are immediately available.
Capital Project Management
New infrastructure is created via capital projects. This process starts when the project is identified and approved via the IDP (Integrated Development Plan) and is completed once the retention periods has passed. The asset bundle solution follows this process.
Incident Management
Incidents in the municipal area may be reported to the municipality via:
Email, SMS, Post, Web Site, Face-to-Face & Citizen Portal (Mobile Devices)
This solution manages the resolution of the incident.
Service Level Agreements
This solution includes the generation of a ‘SLA Contract’ template and the registration of ‘Contract Deliverables’ applicable to suppliers.
Work Orders
To maintain the assets in the asset register, the required maintenance activities (maintenance plan) must be performed. The applicable team receives instructions (Work Order or Job card) on their mobile devices. Once the work has been done the responsible resource provides feedback.